js MD5或者SHA1加密遭遇Cannot read property ‘words’ of undefined
星期六, 2014-11-29 | Author: Lee | ajax, html5 | 7,840 views
使用 CryptoJS.SHA1(“Message”) 或者 CryptoJS.MD5(“Message”) 加密密码
再使用jquery 的ajax的post提交遭遇Cannot read property ‘words’ of undefined 的情况
在官方查到解决办法:(解决方法也很简单 转成字符串即可)
Ahh, it’s because the hash you get back is an object (see [https://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/#The_Hasher_Output The Hasher Output]). And when you pass an object to jQuery’s data property, then jQuery tries to convert it to a query string.
You’ll need to make sure the hash has been serialized to a string. For example:
{ key: CryptoJS.SHA1(“Message”) + ” }
– or –
{ key: CryptoJS.SHA1(“Message”).toString() }
文章作者: Lee
本文地址: https://www.pomelolee.com/1398.html
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